A Method of Targeted Attack on Timeseries Models to alter the MAGNITUDE of the Model Output (A method of assessing vulnerability of an AI system and a framework thereof)

Y Govindarajulu, A Amballa, M Parmar

IN Patent App. 202241065034 (docket number: 403874)

A Method of Targeted Attack on Timeseries Models to alter the DIRECTION of the Model Output (A method of assessing vulnerability of an AI system and a framework thereof )

Y Govindarajulu, A Amballa, M Parmar

IN Patent App. 202241065028 (docket number: 403873)

A method to detect poisoning of an AI Model and a System thereof

A Amballa, Y Govindarajulu, M Parmar

IN Patent App. 202241068482 (docket number: 404446)

A Method of Sponze attack on Deep Learning Models to increase the inference time(A Method of assessing vulnerability of an AI System and a framework thereof.)

A Amballa, Y Govindarajulu, M Parmar

IN Patent App. In progress